
“Serious Hardware!”

The following story was sent to me by Penelope Taylor, the editor of Knit ‘n Style magazine.  One of Penelope’s freelance writers, Kathy Blumenstock (of Washington Post fame), was running some errands when she found herself in the middle of the following conversation…

I’m in Home Depot where I need to find paint, and a teen boy is asking the sales person, “where can I find Addi Turbo’s?…My grandmother needs two of them”.  Apparently he assumed something with “Turbo” in it would of course be found in the aisles of a hardware store.  When the sales person was saying, “I’ve never heard of those”, I butted in and said, “they’re KNITTING needles, circular knitting needles,” and I told him of two stores a few towns over where he could find them, or to go online.  He looked dubious and relieved too.  And once again I championed my fave needles (I have forced/encouraged more people to get these, I should be on commission, or at least carry a full set around to demo!).

While reading this story, I could just imagine the look on each person’s face.  I’m sure it was a priceless moment for Kathy.  Each of us here in the office got a good chuckle out of her story and we wanted to share it with you, in hopes it would brighten your day!

Happy Knitting,
